
Rx Mold Solutions

The Plastics of Rx Mold Solutions includes HealthGuard™ masterbatch and compounds, with medical grade textiles, medical products, and injection molded components launching soon. Currently this Division is using HDM & Rx Mold Solution’s advanced technology to produce plastic liners for safe drinking water in India. Rx Mold Solutions Plastics develop strategic partnerships and supply chains to exceed Rx ’s goal to “Embrace Global Purity.”


Main Areas of Plastics

  • HealthGuard™ Masterbatches & Compounds

  • Medical Grade Textiles

  • Injection Moldings

  • Safe Water Solutions


Medical Grade Textiles

A growing and vital part of the medical and related healthcare and hygiene sectors are medical grade textiles. Textiles are an integral component of delivering safe and affordable healthcare.

Vast amounts of medical grade textile products are in demand and include hygienic wrap, operating room sheets and products needed for hygiene, care, and the safety of both staff and patients alike.

By utilizing HDM and Rx Mold Solutions technologies in textiles, medical grade textiles can now be given a safe, pure yet hygienic, antimicrobial property.


HealthGuard™ Compounds & Masterbatches

The Plastics of Rx100, Trademarked under the HealthGuard™ brand, offers a proprietary line of additive master batches and compounds. Rx Mold Solution ’s product is used, tested, and commercially proven to eliminate mold, mildew, viruses and bacteria from growing on the surface of plastic parts. The product’s premise is simple and safe, yet easy for processing.

Rx Mold Solution ’s additive is hygienic, in addition to being proven anti-microbial. It surpasses products marketing themselves simply as “Anti-Microbial,” as only Rx100’s active ingredient can safely provide purity to a variety of plastics and other products.


Rx100 + Hygienic Plastic Medical Products

Rx Mold Solution ’s pure and safe product is suitable for injection molding purposes making it possible to produce safe, hygienic medical products with anti-viral properties.

One example of such an item is a cleanable and hygienic tongue depressor, engineered using Rx100’s safe technology.


Safe Global Water Options

Kurt J. Stahle, President of Simcoe Plastics, had a vision to use plastics and Rx100’s capability to provide affordable means to one of life’s most precious resources, where it may otherwise not be made available.

To understand more of how this safe and pure product functions in the lining of wells, raising pH levels, destroying harmful bacteria, and delivering safe water to our planet, please visit Rx100 Remedy’s section on our site. HERE